Muslim pioneer Daisy Khan

You might not know who Daisy Khan is, unless you have been following the New York City Muslim community center controversy very closely. Khan is the woman behind the proposal...her vision is to promote moderate Islam and build bridges with other religions. '

In its February edition, More magazine published an insightful and balanced article on Khan. She is not always perceived in the way she intends, and it appears that she is approaching this situation in a rather naive manner. She professed shock when Americans reacted so negatively to the proposal to build a Muslim-run community center (not actually a mosque) just two blocks from Ground Zero. Since the article was published, the project's developer announced his intention to work with another imam (not Khan's husband) as the center's senior advisor (although he is still on the board).

Whatever you think of Daisy Khan, you cannot deny her courage and conviction to work toward moderate Islam in the world. The world also needs brave people like Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Somali-born writer and activist who writes about the devastation of Islam on her life and others throughout the world. (Khan and Ali nearly came to blows on television.) The world needs more people like her. To stand brave in the face of resistance (and yes, prejudice) from much of the American public requires faith, strength, and guts. If everyone worked toward understanding and moderation among the world's religions, I do believe the world would be a better place.
