March kid stuff, part 1

Last week Kieran was in a performance of a play written by his after-school drama club. About 12 scenes long, the plot was more than a bit confusing (it was called "The Dragon Thief") and included all sorts of odd characters, including Kieran's...a gangster/medicine man. (Yes, he created his own character.) Not only was Kieran in nearly every scene, but he also created programs for everyone and seemed to be behind much of the plot. The kid LOVES THE SPOTLIGHT. He's also a little ham and likes to be physical, as you can see from the various photos:

Kieran's teacher and the kids in the after-school care program came to watch the play. Her comment about the play was that her favorite part was looking over at me and Mike, and seeing the expression on Mike's face (of dismay and embarassment). She chuckled and in her usual wise way, commented that the play (which included a robbery and pretend gun play) was entirely developmentally appropriate.

Next up he's taking an official Oregon Children's Theater class on broadway dance, which we are hoping will provide a tad more structure.
