The competition: status check, month 1

Those of you regular blog readers might remember that I challenged Mike to a competition: since early May, we've been keeping track of our gym attendance on a chart on a refrigerator.

Who would have known that a competition would be that powerful?

At the end of the first month, it's Mike 9, Marie 8. I would just like to remind readers that I gave him a headstart by counting his first-lawn-mowing-of-the-year event.

Here I am at the gym! :)
I'm headed to Chantilly, VA, at the end of June for a business meeting--this will be the biggest challenge for me, finding a way to work out while I'm on a business trip!

It feels good to get back into a fitness routine. I had no idea what a little friendly competition would do for our motivation.

Today I brought three dark chocolate bars home from Trader Joe's: one for Mike and two for me (because he will eat his all in one sitting). I usually eat four small pieces a day and make the chocolate last for a week. I suggested that perhaps we make a challenge to see how long we can make the chocolate last. He declined the challenge. Chicken.
